Amtrak installs hearing loop in NY & Washington
WASHINGTON –Amtrak has installed hearing loop technology at designated ticket counters and at the customer service desks in New York and Washington to enhance the travel experience for passengers with hearing loss.Featured
Case Study : The Museum of Modern Art (New York) MoMA
North East Hearing, NY, an audiology and hearing loop installation company and Contacta Inc., an assistive listening equipment manufacturer and customer system design consultancy, were chosen...
What we use ?
Contacta has perfected hearing loop systems for every conceivable application, as well as systems that integrate the loop with other voice transmission systems, such as building entries, drive-thru windows, checkout counters or ticket windows.
What we do....
We supply, install and maintain a unique range of hearing loop and talk-thru systems to enable service providers to interact easily with every customer.
Video courtesy of Richard Einhorn, Composer.